Poetry time!


Alright, I swore I’d give this a shot. So here goes, using Wikipedia as my guide. I decided to go with something in keeping for the developing season, which probably isn’t a surprise for a regular reader.


A marching darkness

The undead tide swarms

mobile wall of flesh

This is for:


Let me know what you all think!

9 thoughts on “Poetry time!

  1. Thanks for joining in! 🙂 I so can’t type this morning. Took me three tries to type that first sentence and smiley. o,O I though of Swarming Flesh when I read your Haiku and that made me think of swarms of locusts. I’m weird. Don’t influence you not to come back again next week. I’m not weird all the time. 😀

    • Snoop away! You talk about being weird, though… when your prompts had me thinking zombies off the bat? a quick glimpse as the stuff I write should easily convince you which one of us is the most weird.

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